Youth Guarantee

Supporting young people to achieve NCEA.

These initiatives aim to support learners in developing their own pathways towards future work and careers, and help educators meet the needs of their students.

This site provides a suite of resources, tools and support for educators, learners and employers. 

Vocational Pathways map level 1-3 assessment standards to six industry sectors to show how NCEA learning and achievement is valued by employers.

Youth Guarantee Fees Free courses help young people access foundation learning (NCEA levels 1-3) without paying course fees.

Trades Academies and Services Academies are partnerships between schools, industry training and tertiary providers to provide learners with a blended learning programme aligned with a Vocational Pathway.

Introducing six Vocational Pathways

Introducing six Vocational Pathways

set of icons representing the 6 initiatives

Opportunities at school

There are a number of fees-free options for Kiwi school students to prepare for the world of work.

Opportunities beyond school

Youth Guarantee fees free tertiary programmes provide 16-24-year-olds who have left school with opportunities to study towards NCEA or equivalent qualifications at tertiary providers free-of-charge.