Assessment Standards at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3

Assessment Standards at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3

Vocational Pathways assessment standards for the 2025 academic year. Match recommended and sector-related assessment standards by choosing level, industry pathway and standards type.

Found 1822 matching standards




  1. 17327

    Communicate with stakeholders on an infrastructure worksite

    Level 2 - Generic Infrastructure Works

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related


  2. 17343

    Demonstrate knowledge of livestock feeding from a rural servicing business perspective

    Level 2 - Rural Servicing –

    Primary Industries Sector-related


  3. 17347

    Operate a two-way radio in an airport environment

    Level 2 - Airport Operations

    Services Industries Sector-related


  4. 17458

    Demonstrate knowledge of light motor vehicle systems and components

    Level 2 - Core Driving Knowledge and Skills –

    Manufacturing & Technology Recommended


  5. 17468

    Alpine ski downhill on beginner terrain

    Level 2 - Skiing and Snowboarding

    Services Industries Sector-related Creative Industries Sector-related


  6. 17475

    Demonstrate knowledge of māori customary linkages with fish and fish utilisation

    Level 2 - Kaupapa Tangaroa –

    Primary Industries Recommended


  7. 17477

    Examine māori customary methods to trap and preserve indigenous freshwater species

    Level 2 - Kaupapa Tangaroa

    Primary Industries Recommended


  8. 17480

    Preserve shellfish and seaweed using māori customary practices and demonstrate associated knowledge

    Level 2 - Kaupapa Tangaroa

    Primary Industries Recommended


  9. 17502

    Demonstrate knowledge of Proprietary Plaster Cladding Systems trade tools

    Level 2 - Proprietary Plaster Cladding Systems –

    Construction & Infrastructure Recommended


  10. 17527

    Demonstrate knowledge of and prepare surfaces for protective coating application

    Level 2 - Manufacturing Processes

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  11. 17537

    Work safely under supervision in blaster coating operations

    Level 2 - Manufacturing Processes

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  12. 17547

    Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety for blaster coating operations

    Level 2 - Manufacturing Processes

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  13. 17563

    Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand Graduated Driver Licensing System

    Level 2 - Core Driving Knowledge and Skills –

    Manufacturing & Technology Recommended


  14. 17583

    Fix flat fibrous plaster sheets to surfaces

    Level 2 - Fibrous Plaster –

    Construction & Infrastructure Recommended


  15. 17593

    Apply safe work practices in the workplace

    Level 2 - Occupational Health and Safety Practice

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related Manufacturing & Technology Recommended


  16. 17676

    Carry out a pre-drive vehicle check on a light motor vehicle, and start and shut down the vehicle.

    Level 2 - Core Driving Knowledge and Skills

    Manufacturing & Technology Recommended


  17. 17696

    Describe and apply basic skills and knowledge required to work at a surface extraction site

    Level 2 - Extractive Industries

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  18. 17740

    Rectify faults in furniture surfaces for furniture finishing

    Level 2 - Furniture Finishing

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  19. 17769

    Demonstrate knowledge of general health, safety, and environmental requirements in forestry

    Level 2 - Forest Foundation Skills

    Primary Industries Sector-related


  20. 17799

    Demonstrate knowledge of testing for electrical safety for electrical appliance servicing - single-phase

    Level 2 - Electrical Service Technicians

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related Construction & Infrastructure Recommended


  21. 17822

    Make a single size marker for plain fabric by hand under supervision, lay markers, and explain cutting methods

    Level 2 - Apparel Cutting and Sewing

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related Creative Industries Recommended


  22. 17915

    Demonstrate knowledge of safe working practices in the apparel and textile industry

    Level 2 - Apparel and Textile Manufacturing - Workplace Skills –

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  23. 17960

    Perform basic calculations for the operation of wood forming machines and grinders

    Level 2 - Timber Machining

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  24. 17964

    Demonstrate knowledge of the wood product manufacturing industry

    Level 2 - Wood Product Manufacturing Skills

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  25. 17969

    Perform basic calculations for saw doctoring

    Level 2 - Saw Doctoring

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  26. 17971

    Demonstrate knowledge of the solid wood manufacturing industry

    Level 2 - Wood Manufacturing Foundation Skills

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  27. 17983

    Demonstrate knowledge of emergency shutdown procedures at a sand extractives site

    Level 2 - Surface Extraction

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  28. 17997

    Describe the requirements of the welfare code in poultry production

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry

    Primary Industries Sector-related


  29. 18003

    Describe poultry biosecurity principles in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry

    Primary Industries Recommended


  30. 18004

    Carry out poultry site entry procedures and biosecurity routines in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  31. 18005

    Demonstrate knowledge of food contamination hazards and control methods used in poultry operations

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  32. 18006

    Describe cleaning and sanitation of poultry equipment and facilities in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  33. 18007

    Describe common diseases of poultry and their prevention in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  34. 18009

    Carry out poultry post mortem procedures and recognise gross abnormalities in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  35. 18011

    Describe exotic disease response in poultry flocks and legal responsibilities in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  36. 18014

    Identify and describe poultry anatomy and body systems in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  37. 18015

    Demonstrate knowledge of poultry digestion and feeding in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  38. 18016

    Describe the structure of, and inter relationships between production stages in the poultry industry

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  39. 18019

    Describe the steps in the hatching process in a poultry production operation

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  40. 18020

    Prepare eggs, load incubators, complete data records, transfer eggs, and process day old chicks in a poultry hatchery

    Level 2 - Poultry Husbandry


  41. 18038

    Describe health and safety duties on electricity supply sites

    Level 2 - Electricity Supply - Core Skills

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related


  42. 18043

    Work safely using pilot vehicles for roadmarking on Level 1 roads

    Level 2 - Roadmarking –


  43. 18124

    Prepare and operate an embroidery machine

    Level 2 - Embroidery

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  44. 18125

    Identify embroidery faults and take corrective action

    Level 2 - Embroidery

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  45. 18126

    Inspect, remove stains from, and finish and pack embroidered goods

    Level 2 - Embroidery

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  46. 18138

    Fit and remove vehicle chains

    Level 2 - Specialist Driving Knowledge and Skills –


  47. 18158

    Select, use, and care for hand tools used in the marine or composite industry

    Level 2 - Boatbuilding

    Manufacturing & Technology Sector-related


  48. 18166

    Participate in a project team in a marine or composite workplace

    Level 2 - Boatbuilding –


  49. 18237

    Perform calculations for a tourism workplace

    Level 2 - Visitor Services –

    Services Industries Sector-related


  50. 18239

    Demonstrate introductory knowledge of circuit concepts and measurements for electronics

    Level 2 - Electrionics Technology

    Construction & Infrastructure Sector-related

