Profile Builder Tool
For students, parents, whānau, and educators to help plan study options. Mutually exclusive standards are not flagged.
Standards Totals:
Lv1 Literacy
0 credits (10 required)Lv1 Numeracy
0 credits (10 required)Lv2 Reading
0 credits (5 required)*Lv2 Writing
0 credits (5 required)*Filter Standards:
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- Agricultural Engineer
- Agricultural Technician
- Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant
- Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist
- Animal Attendant
- Aquaculture Farmer
- Arborist
- Beekeeper
- Biochemist
- Biosecurity Officer
- Biotechnologist
- Building and Construction Labourer
- Crop Farm Worker
- Crop Farmer
- Dairy Farmer
- Dairy Products Maker
- Dog Trainer
- Energy Auditor
- Environmental Engineer
- Environmental Scientist
- Farm Worker
- Farmer/Farm Manager
- Fencer
- Fishery Officer
- Fishing Skipper
- Food Technologist
- Forester
- Forestry and logging worker
- Forestry Scientist
- Gardener
- General Labourer
- Geologist
- Geophysicist
- Graphic Pre-Press Worker
- Horse Trainer
- Hunter/Trapper
- Landscape Architect
- Landscape Gardener
- Marine Biologist
- Meat Inspector
- Meat/Seafood Process Worker
- Microbiologist
- Nursery Grower/Worker
- Packhouse Worker
- Production Manager
- Public Relations Professional
- Quarantine Inspector
- Ranger
- Saw Doctor
- Science Technician
- Shearer
- Stock and Station Agent
- Veterinarian
- Veterinary Nurse
- Winemaker
- Wood Processing Worker
- Wool Classer
- Actor
- Advertising Specialist
- Advertising, Sales and Marketing Manager
- Animator Digital Artist
- Architect
- Architectural Technician
- Archivist
- Art Director (Film/Television/Stage)
- Artist
- Artistic Director
- Author
- Beauty Therapist
- Body Artist
- Clothing Designer
- Clothing Pattern Maker
- Conservator
- Copywriter
- Curator
- Dancer
- Director (Film/Television/Radio/Stage)
- Editor
- Entertainer
- Events Manager
- Exhibition Technician
- Film and Video Editor
- Film/Television Camera Operator
- Florist
- Furniture Finisher
- Game Developer
- Glazier
- Graphic Designer
- Hairdresser/Barber
- Historian
- Industrial Designer
- Interior Designer
- Jeweller
- Journalist
- Landscape Architect
0 of 60 required credits at Level 1 or above, plus a minimum of 10 literacy and 10 numeracy credits
* If you meet the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements, and you have 20 credits at any other level, you will achieve NCEA Level 1! To see if you meet the literacy and numeracy requirements, use this.
0 of 60 required credits at Level 2 or above, plus a minimum of 10 literacy and 10 numeracy credits
* If you meet the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements, and you have 20 credits at any other level, you will achieve NCEA Level 2! To see if you meet the literacy and numeracy requirements, use this.
A Vocational Pathways Award shows how NCEA Level 2 achievements align with the six industry pathways. To gain a Vocational Pathway Award, a learner must achieve:
- NCEA Level 2, including all the NCEA Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements
- 60 recommended assessment standards from one Vocational Pathway (including 20 sector-related standards from the same pathway).
Construction & Infrastructure | Manufacturing & Technology | Primary Industries | Service Industries | Social & Community Services | Creative Industries | |
Recommended | ||||||
Sector-related | ||||||
Total | ||||||
Achieved |
0 of 60 required credits at Level 3 or above, plus a minimum of 10 literacy and 10 numeracy credits
* If you meet the Level 3 literacy and numeracy requirements, and you have 20 credits at any other level, you will achieve NCEA Level 3! To see if you meet the literacy and numeracy requirements, use this.
Approved Subjects | Total Credits | 14 Credits Reached? |
UE Achieved
* If you meet the Level 1 numeracy requirements and the Level 2 reading and writing literacy requirements, you will achieve University Entrance. To see if you meet the literacy and numeracy requirements, use this.