Learning for life and work

Good learning programmes provide ākonga with clear pathways to further education and employment. This can improve ākonga retention in education and encourage them into career pathways they are passionate about.

When designing your learning programme, think about how they:

  • build on the vision and principles of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
  • have contexts that meet the needs and interests of your ākonga while increasing awareness of where those interests could lead to in work and life
  • support the development of the key competencies valued in the workplace
  • incorporate sound teaching and learning delivery approaches
  • make connections to other areas of learning and ākonga experiences.

Principles underpinning programme design

The following three principles underpin the Vocational Pathways programme design and are aligned with those of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Principle 1: Learning programmes’ design and delivery are ākonga-centred

Principle 2: Learning programmes consist of a coherent set of knowledge and skills

Principle 3: Learning programmes lead to New Zealand qualifications