Youth Guarantee courses
Youth Guarantee courses are for 16 to 24-year-old students with no or low qualification prior achievement. The courses aim to enable them to experience educational success and progress to higher level qualifications.
These courses are part of the Youth Guarantee initiatives designed to improve the transition from education to the world of work by providing a wider range of learning opportunities, making better use of the education network, and creating clear pathways from school to work and further study.
If you are interested in enrolling in a Youth Guarantee course you will need to speak with the provider. To explore options and find Youth Guarantee courses in your area, go to:
Find a Provider
Filter by region and provider type ‘Youth Guarantee provider’.
To enrol in a Youth Guarantee course a student must have left school and not be enrolled in another Tertiary Education Commission funded programme. Tertiary education providers offering Youth Guarantee courses must ensure that students who already hold a qualification at level 1 or 2 comprise no more than 10% of new enrolments in a programme leading to qualifications at these levels.
If you’re an education provider and want further information about Youth Guarantee funding, go to: